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Who has...

...visited the most countries? ...taken the most trips?

...visited the most continents? ...averaged the most trips per year?
Name Avg Trips per Year
Loren (221 trips in 32 years)7
Joanna (241 trips in 35 years)7
Simon (254 trips in 45 years)6
Nalissa (167 trips in 45 years)4
Carol (107 trips in 42 years)3
Calvin (25 trips in 9 years)3
Emma (86 trips in 42 years)2
Clifton (160 trips in 70 years)2
Karen (148 trips in 73 years)2
Anika (41 trips in 35 years)1
Dawn (40 trips in 64 years)1
Mike (49 trips in 54 years)1
Eloise (12 trips in 14 years)1
Thomas (5 trips in 10 years)0